Mini Methods

This is a collection of bits and pieces, mostly fairly short, that are useful for training purposes, or just for fun, to ring something a bit different. Some of them are even false! And there seems to be a tendency towards principles and cyclic methods.

I'm not sure of the most useful way to present them, so for now I'll just put them here, to be browsed through.


Bastow St Remigius Stedman Shipping Forecast


Bastow Grandsire New Grandsire Single Court


1. Unnamed 2. Unnamed 3. Bistow 4. Unnamed 5. Cloister
6. St Hilda
7. Ashford 8. Laleham 9. Stanwell 10. Stedman Half Turns (for 3rd) 11. Stedman Whole Turns (for 3rd) 12. Unnamed
13. Titanic 14. Reverse Titanic 15. What You Please 16. Saturn 17. Cactus
18. Peter's Peculiar 19. Unnamed 20. Bayles 21. Candlesby 22. Bag Enderby
23. Unnamed cyclic 24. Erin 25. Unnamed cyclic 26. Banana 27. Baldrick


1. Bastow 2. Kent Little 3. Unnamed 4. Unnamed 5. Unnamed
6. Very Little Bob 7. Cambridge Places Down (for 4th) 8. Cambridge Places Up (for 3rd) 9. Un-Saiph 10. Unnamed
11. Little Bob 12. Unnamed 13. Gonville 14. Xanthe 15. Slough Big Bob
16. Forward 17. Kidderminster 18. Clewer 19. MUG 20. Single St Hilda


1. Unnamed 2. Unnamed 3. Bistow 4. Cloister (Bastow) 5. Stanwell
6. Ashford 7. Baldrick 8. Titanic 9. Saturn 10. Unnamed
11. AJWT 12. Erin 13. Unnamed cyclic 14. Nirerin 15. Unnamed cyclic
16. Unnamed 17. Unnamed


1. Bastow 2. Kent Little 3. Forward 4. Unnamed 5. Lizzicles Little Surprise
6. Un-Saiph 7. Unnamed 8. Cawston 9. Monkey Little Alliance
10. Duffield 11. Clewer 12. Gonville 13. Xanthe 14. MUG